Shofie Mahowyn
Smashcat | Balmung | ESTShut your mouth baby, stand and deliver
Holy hands, will they make me a sinner?

Tavern keep in Ul'dah. Probably a retired pirate. Probably.
A collection of screenshots and artwork of Shofie
All artworks by myself/or myself+Rhen!

Video contains spoilers from Stormblood through Endwalker.
DOSSIER - At a glance

Name: [Redacted]
Known Aliases: Shofie Mahowyn,The Fist of the Wolf, The Red Lion, The Dusk Valkyrie
Race: Miqo'te (Keeper of the Moon mother, Seeker of the Sun father)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 32
Height: 4'9"
Weight: Approximately 150-160 ponz
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Heterochromia: her right eye is green, her left is blue
Distinguishing Marks: She has tattoos of purple stars of varying sizes covering her entire left arm. These stars travel as high as her neck, and down the side of her body as low as her hip. Her left shoulder has a large crescent moon.Shofie is a short, very muscular miqo'te woman who stands at 4'9" tall, weighing in at around 150-160 ponz. She has dark red wavy hair, and noticeable freckles that cover her cheeks, nose, shoulders, and part of her chest. She has prominent fangs.She has a distinct, deep voice, with a hint of gravel to it. She does not smoke--she just has a naturally deep voice.She always appears to be unarmed, especially if she's in town.

Quick notes:
★ Fun, playful, generally in a good mood
★ Enjoys reading
★ Loves eating, especially meat dishes
★ Enjoys watching fights, but seems to avoid getting into themLong form:
Shofie is light-hearted, cheery, fun-loving. She is quick to laugh or make a joke, and doesn't seem to take much seriously, including herself.Functionally, Shofie is a Warrior in-game, however, she is explicitly not a warrior. She mixes weapon usage with punching, kicking, and using her opponent's momentum against them as much as possible. She tends to avoid combat as much as feasibly possible. This is largely in part because she's afraid of berserking and seriously harming someone.Shofie is actually most closely related to a Red Mage--able to pull and wield powerful abilities from her enormous aether pool. She just doesn't use a sword or a focus--she uses an axe.

A few Shofie-appropriate songs, if you are so inclined:
You have unlocked

This is the lore that isn't as easily uncovered--you would not know these until Shofie tells you, barring a few unusual circumstances. I've included it here so you can decide if you'd like to further engage with Shofie.
Shofie is part of a band of retired pirates known as The Dusk Wolves.She, along with her husband, Rhen Mahowyn, now currently run a tavern called The Coeurl's Whisker. The tavern is as it appears; a modest, if not somewhat badly-run tavern and inn that stands in Ul'dah. The pair run it as a sort of side project to relax. Shofie keeps one of her Vaults on the premises, a locked room storing many strange and valuable items. This is not her only Vault. This room cannot be entered without Shofie or Rhen.Shofie serves as Rhen's second-in-command, his Dragon. If you want to get to Rhen, you have to go through Shofie--a daunting prospect he uses to his advantage. She is unflinchingly loyal to Rhen, and as a result, to The Dusk Wolves. She is his secret weapon, effectively a living weapon that he can control.Shofie could be described as "chaotic good", using D&D alignments. She is quite friendly, and many people would describe her personality as warm and welcoming. She is generally a good person, and might even go out of her way to do good things, or help people. If she saw a beggar, she'd give them food or coin without a thought. If she saw someone in distress, she would stop to assist, that sort of thing.However...with Rhen's influence, her alignment actually reveals itself to be a bit darker, and more chaotic neutral. Her motivation and loyalty is to Rhen above all else. Her moral compass points solely at Rhen. She is absolutely ruthless and cold-blooded if Rhen but simply asks it of her.While Shofie has outstanding physical prowess and combat training, her true power is that she is able to summon things using her aether at her whim. She has what she considers an "abundance" of aether.She is able to craft temporary weapons from it at will, most notably (and commonly) her aether axe. She is capable of creating weapons for other people to wield for a brief period of time, however, these weapons will feel like holding living fire and are uncomfortable or painful for people to touch. It is like touching a piece of Shofie's soul, and only people "aspected" to her can touch her weapons without harm.To date, only one person has successfully wielded any of Shofie's aether weapons. She very rarely uses this ability.Once Shofie has entered a berserker stance, only a few things can end it:✦She eliminates the perceived threat.
✦She becomes too injured or exhausted to continue.
✦Rhen flatly orders her to stop.Once her berserking is complete, she will be exhausted to the point of likely passing out. At this point, she is extremely vulnerable unless someone steps in to protect her. She often needs a day or two to recover, and will sleep this entire time.(Please note: I usually will drop into a whisper or note otherwise that she is about to be pushed to this point before just springing this on people. I like to give people the opportunity to veer away from that course if they'd rather not get into it.)
Further reading
Roleplaying Hooks
Common Hooks
★ __She runs a tavern in Ul'dah, called The Coeurl's Whisker, and can often be found there.
__ She is a terrible cook generally, but can make delicious cod puffs which are rather popular. (Whether they contain actual cod fish or not is still a mystery that remains unsolved to this day.) Maybe you've seen her there, tending bar or you've tried some of her cod puffs of dubious origin?★ It's possible you've encountered her in Ul'dah's gladiatorial arena, as she will occasionally dip in to watch matches or, much more rarely, participate. It's here that the moniker The Red Lion comes from; she is known for being rather brutal in the ring, despite her small size, which tends to surprise many spectators and opponents alike. She has both won and cost people a lot of gil betting on her--maybe you want to thank her? Maybe you're angry she cost you a lot of gil?★ She can commonly be seen in the back alleys of Ul'dah, passing through on her way to run errands at the merchant stalls nearby.
Sometimes, she likes to stop and quietly observe the people there. She's always got a keen eye on the fights that commonly break out, though she never seems to intervene.★ She's an experienced sailor and is surprisingly adept at it--though perhaps not so surprisingly, given her physical prowess.★ She can be hired for mercenary jobs as muscle.
She is particularly interested in any sort of expeditions involving ruins, libraries, or anyplace unusual artifacts or books might be found. She may or may not bring this up to you; but either way, she's willing to tag along for decent coin.
Uncommon Hooks
★ When she was a teenager, she studied conjury in Gridania.
She was well-known at the time for actually being quite bad at it. She was also quite chubby at this stage in her life and if you knew her then, but haven't seen her recently, you might be shocked at how drastically different she looks.★ If your character is able to sense aether you will notice Shofie has an abundance of bright red, seemingly gnarled aether.★ She likes to collect books!
She's interested in mechanical how-to books, books on ancient arcana, and romance novels (though she's very shy about admitting that last one.) Maybe you saw her reading something of interest?★ She rarely takes on ventures to explore old ruins and libraries in her attempts to uncover more knowledge about aether. She will sometimes accompany others under the guise of hired muscle to more easily access some locales. Maybe she answered an ad you put out looking for help to this end.
Forbidden Hooks
Ask me first before using these following hooks!These hooks are only included so you may further vet potential interest in engaging with Shofie--these would not be known to you under normal circumstances.★ She was a chocobo jockey for some time at The Manderville Gold Saucer. What's not widely known is that she was part of race fixing. Her favorite race bird, a red chocobo named Buttons, now serves as her loyal steed. She purchased the bird when she decided to retire from racing. To this day, however, she occasionally still races for fun, though usually while wearing a mask to obscure her identity.★ She still has ties to the criminal world, though on the surface, she appears to merely be a tavern keep. She helps her husband run a money-lending service, and has her hand in storing and transporting rare and dangerous goods at great cost. The Coeurl's Whisker is actually a front for this. The Whisker houses one of a few "vaults" on the premises, a locked hidden room containing many rare, valuable, and dangerous items. ★ Shofie was a member of The Twin Adders for a few years in her early 20's. She climbed to a high enough rank she was put in charge of her own unit. She was also dispatched to the Carteneau Flats at the height of tensions and saw the Dalamud shortly before it fell. Her instincts told her things were bad, and she fled the scene before the fall. She tried to convince her unit to come with her, but none did. She abandoned them, and she ended up being the only survivor as a result of her cowardice. When she finally made her way back home to Gridania, she was hailed a war hero--the brave leader who survived against all odds. She carries an incredible amount of survivor's guilt about this incident, and refuses to speak about it. She will never admit as much, but the star tattoos she bears are for each of the members of her unit who perished that day. If asked about them, she will say "she just loves the stars."★ Huh? She seems kind of familiar... Shofie's biological father hails from the M tribe, and she bears more than a passing resemblance to many members of the tribe. Shofie remains entirely unaware of this, however, and will be unable to confirm or deny she is related to anyone else from the M tribe. Her half-brother is actually M'zhet Tia.
★ I am in the Eastern Time Zone, -5:00 GMT.★ My character's twitter account is @mahowyn.★ I am in my 40's.★ I am agender. My pronouns are they/them. (However, when interacting with my character, please use she/her, as Shofie herself is not transgender.★ If my RP flag isn't up, I'm just lamping, or I'm afk doing chores or something. I am not adverse to being approached if I am leaning on a wall, but I may be afk.★ I am very shy and generally not comfortable approaching people on my own because of this.---★---__LOOKING FOR:
★ I am interested in friendships, rivalries, sparring buddies, etc.! Slice of life, adventure, treasure-hunting, potentially darker themes (but don't surprise me with them).★ Shofie is very morally gray, and actually a villain, however, depending on how you meet and interact with her, you may feel otherwise! This does not change her nature. She is not evil, but neither is she good. She does bad things, she does good things. This is part of why I enjoy roleplaying her. She is frequently very light-hearted and jovial, however, and that's most likely how you'll meet her.★ I am not what I would consider lore-strict, but I do generally try my best to adhere to the lore as much as possible, as I find this more enjoyable and challenging. Minor lore-bending or breaking doesn't bother me very much however, especially if there's a plausible or believable reason for it. The more you break the lore though, the more I have to break my character's lore to fit, and that's not really enjoyable for me.★ You do not have to match my roleplaying style. Sometimes long posts do not require a long response! I tend to roleplay in a more snappy and quickfire sort of way, but I am just as capable of long-form roleplay. It mostly just depends on the scene.★ I am open to pre-established relationships with Shofie, but obviously this means we need to work that out ahead of any engagement.⚠ Disclaimer ⚠
Shofie is not available for ERP, I just like drawing spicy art of her sometimes.★LIMITS
★ Do not interact with me if you are not 18+. I do not wish to interact with minor characters or muns.★ Content that is absolutely a hard limit: "Noncon"/rape/sexual assault, home invasion, dismemberment, death.★ OOC and IC are separate. Do not confuse anything Shofie is doing for how I may feel behind the screen. In fact, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to just ask me.★ If you become uncomfortable at any point, please communicate that to me. If I become uncomfortable, I will communicate that with you.★ I am not interested in erotic role-play, but I will otherwise engage in mature or dark themes to a point. As an aside, you're free to flirt with Shofie if that's your approach, but she'll most likely just ignore this entirely if you're lucky. If you're not lucky...well, it could go badly.★ I am not interested in interacting with you if you use fetish terms to describe your character.------------------------------------★ "What's the deal with the cat?"CW // Pet deathThis is Gizmo, and she passed away very recently after 15 years rather suddenly. I miss her very much. Because FFXIV has a Siamese cat that reminds me of her, I wanted her to join me in my adventures in Eorzea. She is not IC and as far as roleplay goes, please do not acknowledge her. She's just hanging out with mama.If the kitty is a Gaelikitten, it's her brother, Gadget, and he's just hanging out with mama too. He is a sweet bean and I miss his little face so much. It makes me smile everytime I see the little gaelikitten do it's little airplane spins, or when he sits on my shoulder. I miss him more than anything, and he was the bravest strongest little tabby cat ever. First he go maow, then he go wow. Maow-wow!I love you both, please be good til I can see you again. ♥
She is the goodest noisy girl and I miss her.
"Bite Size Fiction" refers to a tag on my Tumblr used to track all writing prompts from 2019. I liked some of these enough to catalogue them here.Originally two separate short stories, I've compiled them in chronological order. They also serve as an example of my long-form RP style.These shorts are about Shofie's early times in The Dusk Wolves, when they were still pirates.
Her eyelids fluttered open lazily, and she blinked a few times in the low lighting, unsure if her eyes were really open or not.She was in bed, a blanket tucked up neatly around her chin. There was a candle on a makeshift table, throwing a faint warm glow on the barrel it was setting upon. She squinted, trying to get her eyes to adjust to the low light. She found she was more Keeper than Seeker in this regard; she usually had fantastic eyesight in the dark, but it did still take some time to get used to low light.Her eyes fell upon Rhen, who was seated on a small wooden stool, leaning on the barrel with one arm, propping his head up. A book rested in his lap, and he held a pencil in the other hand. He was watching her quietly, like he’d just been interrupted doing something. She must’ve been making noise in her sleep.She searched her memories frantically, trying to remember the last thing she could before she had passed out. She groaned and sat up, holding her head. Rhen set his pencil down and closed the book with a soft thump, but otherwise made no move, watching her quietly.Her head swam a little still, and she felt gross. She had slept too long. She wondered how long she had been out this time. It had been awhile since she had lost control of herself.“How long was I out?”“Awhile.”She looked at her lap. “Is…is everyone okay?” She wasn’t sure if she was asking if she helped the crew, or harmed them in her rage.“Yes.”She was relieved. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and as her eyes acclimatized to the darkness, she became aware of her surroundings. She was in the infirmary; or at least, what they counted as one on the ship. Only Rhen was with her, she wondered if he’d chased the others off as a safeguard.She felt like she might be in trouble.She hadn’t really let herself go before around The Wolves, and she knew it was dangerous to do so around people she cared about, and she had come to care about the crew over the last few months with them. They were strange, but good souls, and she would hate to harm them.She stood up, and the words tumbled out in a rush. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have, I just…there were so many of them and I wanted to buy everyone time and it was the only thing I could think of to do.”She looked at the floor, waiting for Rhen’s verdict.He set the book down on the barrel and stood up. She kept her eyes downcast, listening to his boots thump softly across the wooden deck floor as he approached her. She felt his fingers gently under her chin, lifting her face up. He was so tall, she had to crane her head back to look him in the face. She blinked at him, her eyebrows furrowed slightly.Rhen hesitated.Never had any of his crew tried to save the others in such a fashion. Never before had any other single member been willing to risk their own health to this extent, or to lay down their life to protect the others.Rhen had carefully chosen them, one by one, but circumstances beyond his control had dropped this new member onto his ship, and a loyal one at that. The Calamity had driven her to seek a ship to flee the area, and by pure chance, she'd selected his. She'd since returned, and served of her own volition since. She'd now just laid her own life on the line to protect his crew. Rhen wasn’t so sure any of the others would have done the same for anyone else before, but watching Shofie these last few months…watching how the crew had come to care for her, watching her in return embrace the crew like family…Sometimes circumstances were fortuitous.He would keep her.
They’d docked in Limsa Lominsa to resupply and relax for a few days, and the crew often used this opportunity to drink heavily and socialize, but Shofie and Rhen took the opportunity to get in some sparring practice just outside the city. Rhen was the only one who could put Shofie through her paces without risk of serious harm, and soft grass was far more preferable to the ship’s hardwood deck when one took a fall. Despite it's proximity to the city, the cliffside locale they selected was relatively secluded, overlooking the sea, but with Limsa in full view. It was tiring trying to explain to strangers that they were just practicing, and not actually fighting. Rhen did not hold back.They’d been at it for well over two hours at this point; she was exhausted, and they were both covered in a sheen of sweat.After Rhen knocked her flat on her ass for the third time, she pushed herself up, tiredly bringing her fists up into a defensive position, trying to regain her feet before he advanced on her again.Rhen swept his hand in a dismissive gesture. “Enough.”Relieved, she slumped down into a sitting position. He was calling it for the day, thank Menphina.She pulled her red tunic over her head, revealing a cropped, tight top underneath. She should’ve taken it off before they started practice, but she found the thought of Rhen seeing far too embarrassing. Now though, her desire to cool off overrode her anxieties about Rhen seeing her without the tunic. Using it as a rag, she moped the sweat from her face off, and tossed it on the ground beside her, before flopping backwards on the grass with a huff.Rhen was there, looking down at her. She wasn’t sure what to make of it and became concerned; had she misjudged? Were they actually not finished for the day? Was this a new trick he was teaching her? She suddenly felt very self-conscious without her shirt as he stared at her.Rhen slowly lowered himself down to sit beside her quietly. After pausing a moment, he pulled his own shirt off over his head, mimicking her, wiping the sweat from his face, neck, and shoulders.Shofie didn’t want to be rude, but it was almost impossible for her to keep her eyes to herself. He was quite large and muscular, especially by miqo'te standards. His midsection was softer though, as he had a rather healthy layer of fat there, but his arms and shoulders still cut a striking figure.He’d shown her some of his scars once before, the ones on his arm. This was showing her…a lot more. He had many scars across his arms and torso. Her eyes followed the scars from his broad shoulders, and roamed lower before she realized what she was doing, and blushed. She tore her eyes off him and forced herself to look up at the dim stars just beginning to appear in the dusk sky instead.She pressed her lips together. He was her captain, this was a terrible idea. Being involved with anyone on the ship was a bad idea, but no, her heart had to race for the captain of all people. She had to get a better grip on herself. She heard him lay back down next to her, but he said nothing. He rarely did.They lay quietly together, and she forced her attention toward listening to the wind rustling in the grass leaves, the soft sounds of the sea lapping at the cliff nearby, and the occasional gull cry. It was soothing, and it steadied her nerves.She realized she was also listening to his breathing, and it grew softer, more relaxed, as did her own. She lost track of time, lying in shared comfortable silence with Rhen, watching the sky shift from a pink tone to a more purplish hue. Faintly, she heard a ship’s bell announce it’s arrival somewhere.Rhen's deep voice pulled her from her reverie. “You fight well.”Startled, she turned to him. He wasn’t even looking at her. It was like what he'd said had been an afterthought. It’d be an afterthought for most people...but for Rhen, it was deliberate. Rhen didn’t state afterthoughts, he chose every single word carefully. She wasn't even sure Rhen had afterthoughts.“Oh, today? But you–”He held up a hand to stop her babbling. He was quiet for a moment before he continued. “Determined.”Oh. He meant she was determined and diligent, not necessarily that she'd done well at practice. Rhen was not very free and easy with compliments, they were as rare as seeing a falling star. She brightened; she must truly be improving.She sat up, and pressed her hand to her chest. Her heart felt strange, like it was going too fast. Just because he said she was improving didn’t mean anything more than that.Rhen propped himself up on one arm as he reached out to her with the other and cupped her chin in his hand. Her ears felt hot. She was certain her face was as red as her hair. She did not handle it well when he touched her even by accident, and this was very much not an accident.His golden eye met her gaze, his deep voice almost a purr. “Loyal.”She blinked in confusion. Loyal? What was happening? What was he doing? What? Why? All coherent thought vacated her mind in a rush. His soft words interrupted her mental spiraling.“Stay?”What did he mean, stay? Her brow furrowed in confusion. She had no intention of leaving, why would he ask her to–He kissed her softly, a gentle offering. She froze for a heartbeat, scared to move, scared it was a dream. Scared he’d stop.But it wasn't. He was warm and his kiss was soft, and--Her heart swelled like the tide below, and she found herself kissing him back, against all reason. As she leaned into him, the kiss became less gentle, and months of dammed up passion burst from her heart in a flood. She pressed him back into the grass.As the sounds of the night enveloped them, she found that Rhen did not hold back.

AUTHOR NOTE: THIS INFORMATION WOULD NOT BE KNOWN TO YOU UNLESS SHOFIE ACTUALLY TOLD YOU. IT IS INCLUDED HERE FOR THE SAKE OF BEING THOROUGH, AND AS MUCH FOR MY OWN RECORD.PLEASE BE AWARE THERE MAY BE SPOILERS FOR FFXIV HERE.There are definitely spoilers for Shofie's character here. If you would prefer to learn about these organically, feel free to stop here and engage in-game.---Shofie's father, an M tribe Tia, who was formerly a nunh, but stepped down for the benefit of the tribe, and while adapting to a wandering lifestyle, happened to encounter an female Keeper of the Moon in the nearby Shroud. A brief affair ensued, the product of which was Shofie. Shofie's father left well before she was born however, and he was entirely unaware of her existence. He later died protecting the M tribe.Her mother had hoped she could hide the secret of her love affair with the Seeker from her xenophobic clan, but was dismayed when Shofie ended up looking nearly identical to her father, and nothing like the rest of the clan. Shofie grew up lonely, enduring bullying from nearly everyone in her clan.Despite all this, her mother tried to teach her the family's magicks. She was a strong caster, and had much potential, however she had little to no control. When she was 17, was sent to Gridania to further her study, as well as to socialize and integrate with cityfolk. Here, she encountered Kiht'a Nbolo at this time, and his relentless bullying eventually drove her to join the Adventurer's Guild, fulfilling odd jobs for a few years, striving to find independence.During this time, she sustained a rather severe injury that had her laid up for nearly a month. The injury has since left her unable to conceive, much to her dismay, and she will be extremely sullen if one calls attention to it. In her desperate attempts to heal it and restore her fertility, she sought extreme measures that have removed almost all other scarring from her body, save the one, and any newer ones she's acquired since (which is not many).After her recovery, Shofie decided to join the Twin Adders. She thrived in the military's structured environment for a few years, even earning herself a decent rank.In 1572, her squadron is sent to the Carteneau Flats. Shofie balks due to her extreme increasing discomfort of the current events, she attempts to convince her squadron to leave with her, but they refuse. Shofie decides to desert the battlefield entirely, fleeing to Limsa Lominsa.The Calamity roared across the land, and stranded Shofie in Limsa with no coin or means home. Upon a chance encounter with a pirate named Rhen Maverick, she agrees to work for safe passage back to Gridania. Upon arriving finally, Shofie is deemed a war hero, as her superiors believe she survived due to heroic acts, and not desertion. She is granted a modest home in the Lavender Beds, and permanently allowed to keep her assigned chocobo; a feisty white bird named Butz.Shofie decides to quit the military, disillusioned and unhappy with the guilt of surviving as a result of her cowardice, and she reaches out to Rhen once again, this time looking for more permanent work with The Dusk Wolves.The Dusk Wolves start fixing chocobo races, and Shofie's small stature and astonishing strength give her an edge as a jockey. After winning and "losing" many races, they decide to pull out of the operation. Shofie, however, had grown fond of her race bird, Buttons, and decided to keep him. Using their wealth and resources, the Dusk Wolves now operate mainly as moneylenders, and couriers, willing to store and ferry items for anyone with enough coin to pay for the service.Shofie and Rhen grow close during the years, with Shofie serving as Rhen's second-in-command, and the relationship that started as strictly a business association blossomed into love. They marry, and Rhen, having no family or formal ties of his own, takes Shofie's last name.Shofie makes the decision to stop running.

★Rhen Mahowyn (né Maverick):
Alias: The One-Eyed WolfShofie stumbled upon Rhen quite by accident when she took refuge on his ship while fleeing from the fall of the Dalamud. Initially, he served as her captain, but her unflinching loyalty and dedication to him and his crew, The Dusk Wolves, drew his attention and the pair grew closer, and eventually wed, with Rhen taking her last name.Shofie serves as his Dragon, his second-in-command, fiercely loyal and violently protective. Rhen does not particularly need protection, but he does not discourage Shofie.Rhen has a condition called expressive aphasia that was caused in the same accident that cost him the sight in his left eye. He does not generally speak in full sentences, and tends to speak only one or two words at a time. Shofie has become something of a translator for him, particularly when handling business involving The Dusk Wolves. She can read his intent and meaning so well, that when the pair are talking to people, she will often look to Rhen for his answer, before giving it for him, so he doesn't have to actually talk. Subtle nods, hand gestures, eye and ear movements convey more than enough information for Shofie to give accurate answers. She has gotten so good at this, people sometimes joke that the pair might be telepathic.

★Kiht'a Nbolo:Kiht'a initially met Shofie when they were both attending school to learn various magicks in Gridania. Kiht'a was tasked with tutoring Shofie, but Shofie was a poor student, which infuriated Kiht'a to no end. In his frustration, he bullied her to the point it drove her from the school entirely.Years later, Kiht'a crossed paths with Shofie again, and was surprised to see her going by a new name, looking significantly different, and now rolling with a pirate crew. Even more surprising, Shofie was actually doing quite well for herself.Grudgingly, he had to ask her crew for help, which they gave. Shofie was initially extremely distrustful of Kiht'a, but they both had matured quite a bit since their last encounter, and are now something like friends. Shofie likes to tease him mercilessly, which he seems to tolerate as a sort of penance for his past behavior toward her, though he still teases her quite a lot--being one of the rare few willing to risk her ire for any reason.
★Buttons and ButzButz was a chocobo that belonged to Shofie's former (currently deceased) commander in the Twin Adders. Unable to really control the chocobo, she "gifted" him to Rhen, who has a way with the beast.Buttons is one of Shofie's former racing chocobos. When Shofie (mostly) retired from choco jockeying, she decided to keep Buttons, who now serves as her day-to-day steed.
⚠ Disclaimer ⚠
Shofie is not available for ERP, I just like drawing spicy art of her sometimes. All artwork is mine.

Merr Crimus
SHOFIE'S HALBERDShofie’s clan put incredibly heavy emphasis on spearwork.Spears were used in hunting, fishing, and less obviously in things like dance displays. Shofie is actually an astonishingly accomplished dancer as a result of relentless training since she was about four years old. This lends her an edge in combat situations, as she weaves in and out easily among multiple opponents.Girls were taught how to make their spears at a very young age, and modified them constantly. Frequently, they’d tie bright strips of cloth to them, or add small sets of beads, particularly as a sign of a special or significant successful hunt.The most accomplished hunters had more beads and ribbons; and their spears made more noise as a result. It was a sign of how accomplished and effective a hunter was if their spear was laden with extra beads or ribbon, because of the skill it took to make the beads quiet on the hunt, and yet be effective enough to kill anything with it.When Shofie left her clan, she abandoned her spear, and her mother broke it in a symbol of disowning her. Attempting to distance herself from her kin, she made herself a new weapon, one unlike anything she had personally seen before, while still making use of techniques she was familiar with.It is intentionally devoid of colorful ribbons or beads, and shaped far differently than anything she would’ve learned to make back home. It’s heavier, and she uses the blade as a shield as much as a striking weapon. She hobbled it together herself, purposeful and raw, functional above all else.Her combat style is unrelenting, but light on her feet. Her halberd is constantly in motion, making a personal “bubble” around herself that makes it difficult to get close to her. She does not fight fair, and will resort to any tactic to fell an opponent. She has been known to throw her halberd at people, shove it violently at them, swing it similarly to a baseball bat, stab people, and so forth.Every time she manages to break it, she repairs it, occasionally reinventing the look of the thing when she has to fully replace the shaft or the axehead, but she always keeps it fairly simple. The size of the axehead has grown as Shofie grew stronger over the years, making the thing weigh so much it is beyond practical for most others to wield, but for her, it is an extension of herself, as much a part of her as her own arm.Despite her penchant for naming things (Shofie is responsible for naming most of Rhen’s devices and weapons, for example), she has never deigned to give her halberd a formal name, perhaps due to the fact she never keeps any incarnation of it around for very long before destroying it, or perhaps as a way of remaining somewhat detached from it.
A fun countdown challenge I did before Endwalker. Each day, 1 job, 1 limit break, 1 unique zone, and I only wanted to use /gpose with this, utilizing in-game filters and camera options.